>>8497791I liked his OPs so I had him write the OP for me that became the basis opening post of the bwg threads but it was all set up off the original I made just compiled info lol
What can I say I guess Im good at blending even if its on accident considering almost everyone would confuse me for one of the others.
To reignite the flame we need to set up an FOB (foward operating base) again similar to how we used the htg threads as an fob to work out of.
Then hopefully we will be able to summon either A5 or IC anon as well as the others again.
But either way these fob threads need an obj we can work towards in them, like since you mentioned it we could investigate those earthquakes, outages, and all this other weird shit thats been happening.
Btw I was correct in the fact the unchecked migration was being used as a massive bioweapon attack.
We should reclaim trafficking investigation too at one point.
>>8497793Yeah, is bald eagle still around too? He was important as well.