>>8521006I’ve been married over a decade, it’s the single greatest decision I’ve ever made. I was depressed and alone even though I had no problem fucking women it was an empty existence. My wife is my reason to live, she is my best friend. We have 5 beautiful children together. Don’t listen to the internet, there are still good women out there, find one and get married young, stress honesty above all, put a portion of your paycheck in a separate account so there is no fights about money, go into debt for nothing accept a home and even then try and avoid that. Most people fight because of a few things, money, dishonesty or lack of sex/cheating, make sure you make her feel beautiful every day, read books on how to be better at sex learn to eat pussy like a pro. And only marry a virgin (unless you are way to old to find one, then find the lowest body count you can) the younger you get married the better, I was 21 she was 18.