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Quoted By: >>8535518 >>8535520 >>8535522 >>8535523 >>8535526 >>8535528 >>8535529 >>8535531 >>8535535 >>8535536 >>8535538 >>8535539 >>8535541 >>8535549 >>8535554 >>8535555 >>8535556 >>8535558 >>8535559 >>8535560 >>8535565 >>8535567 >>8535569 >>8535573
Hi guys. So a situation happened to me at work today. I work at a restaurant, won't say where for obvious reasons, and I'm also a zoomer. I was making my rounds of the area as I usually did when I noticed two of my associates, asian female and a white male, talking with a black family at one of the tables. I stood there for about 10 minutes just watching them. I met up with the two of them afterwards to see what all the fuss was about. First I met with the white guy because he showed up first. I asked him what was going on and he told me that the family noticed him (the white guy) walk past their table and went to a table with a white family sitting there to see how they were doing. The white guy told them he was sorry and apparently they started bitching at him. That's when the asian girl showed up and joined the conversation. The white guy was telling me how the black family were calling him a "privileged white male" and other racial slurs. He felt uncomfortable and told me that the asian girl was basically siding with the family and calling him that stuff too. The asian girl then showed up and she told her side of the story. Then the white guy and asian girl got into an argument infront of me and I just sat there and watched. She was saying how she can't be racist and that she feels like there isn't enough minorities working at our restaurant. The white guy made a comment about how he lives in a poor neighborhood and that his parents have both been laid off within a year from eachother or something and the asian girl said it didn't matter. Long story short, nothing happened after that and I didn't do anything about the situation. Though I wanted to desperately intervene and start quoting crime statistics amoungst other things, I sat there and just listened. The white guy is 17 and I'm 99.9% certain I know how he's feeling right now. This was my forst time seeing this play out irl instead of online. God this is going to be an interesting next couple decades.