>>8556337>Quran is perfect thoLet’s see what the quran says
>Surah Al-E-Imran (3) 3: “He has revealed to you the Book with the truth [i.e. the Qur’an],confirming what has been before it, and has sent down the Torah and the Injil.”See also Surahs (4) 316, 163, (17) 55-56, (21) 105. Mohammed claims he is mentioned in them (7) 157, (61) 6.
Mohammed repeatedly told Christians and Jews to refer back to the Gospels and Torah
>Surah (3) 70: “O people of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the verses of Allah while you are yourselves witnesses (to those verses)?”See also Surahs (2) 91, (3) 199, (5) 43-49, (5) 68
>Surah (10) 94: “So, (O prophet,) even if you are in doubt about what We have sent down to you, ask those who read the Book (revealed) before you. Surely, truth has come to you from your Lord, so never be among those who are suspicious.”The quran confirms the Torah and gospels (injil) are the word of Allah
>But the gospels were corruptedThe gospels are the word of Allah. They can’t be corrupted.
> Surah (6) 34: “Indeed, many messengers have been rejected before you [i.e. Muhammad], but they stood patient against their rejection, and they were persecuted until Our help came to them. No one can change the words of Allah, and of course, some accounts of the Messengers have already come to you.”Let’s read that last part again
> No one can change the words of Allah, and of course, some accounts of the Messengers have already come to you.See also surahs (6) 115, (15) 9, (18) 27. The Torah and Gospels are the word of Allah, they can’t be corrupted.
The Gospels and the quran are incompatible. There are clear contradictions. But the quran says the gospels can’t be corrupted.
If the Gospels are corrupted, the quran is wrong.
If the Gospels aren’t corrupted, the quran is wrong.
Islam is wrong.