[14 / 4 / ?]
>be me
>be in love with my coworker
>She works there since early 2018
>she is a qt 3.14 castiza who came from a little town.
>Despite being a normie she doesn't ride the cock carrusel
>now 'cause college she needs to quit from job
>Probably don't see her anymore
>Tomorrow i'm going to confess my feelings to her
Ok lads, i know here's not /r9k/, but i need advices from other countries
>be in love with my coworker
>She works there since early 2018
>she is a qt 3.14 castiza who came from a little town.
>Despite being a normie she doesn't ride the cock carrusel
>now 'cause college she needs to quit from job
>Probably don't see her anymore
>Tomorrow i'm going to confess my feelings to her
Ok lads, i know here's not /r9k/, but i need advices from other countries