It's hyperbole.
It's more shell shock than hate.
The men interpret the standoffishness as hate. But that's wrong, it's simply them solving the explore-exploit problem of the time value of mating.
Most Americans are about as dumb as dogs, so they think everything that happens is about them.
We're starting to figure out who our real enemies are though, and things are looking brighter as the whites are starting to signal to each other with their eyes and their feet about the situation.
We may have to bring back arranged marriages before we are able to purge the groupthink mental illness. It's not as bad as it's made out to be.
The problem is the californian borne liberal-democrats and anti-american anti-white globalists. They were able to tap into the vein of the river of money that is America, and used that to get several hands in the throne room, and now their lack of leadership ability is causing them to lose their control over the minds of the people.
We know that Hollywood, all banks, all of government, and all of the main stream media is owned and run by the anti-american degenerates (power corrupts absolutely), and so it may be another 10 or 20 years before we really get them out. Or we may fail, and America will be scattered to the winds in the same way rome was. I'm already researching on new homes for the next 100 years of my genetic lines.
I'm hoping that America will have a coming back to Jesus moment and get back on track and we can purge the Anti-white americans from power. If you hate white people while harboring a new-age degenerate anti-american religion, you should be digging ditches, not controlling what the bobbleheads say on the brainwashing machine.