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European-White checklist.
>Traceable European ancestry.
>Your eyes are blue, green, or grey.
>Your hair is a shade between blond and hazel.
>Any temeprature above 10C/50F is uncomfortable.
>Reject desert cults and subversion.
>Deep connection with nature and the outdoors.
>Attraction only to white females.
>Females are ready at first menstruation.
>Read books and expand knowledge (Gnosis).
>Watch only nature programs and documentaries.
>Listen only to folkmusic.
>Reject 'democracy' and modern politics.
>Don't kill European-White brothers and sisters.
>Forigners may briefly visit, but never settle.
>Interaction or friendship with forigners is purely formal.
>Shun intermixed couples and children.
>Traceable European ancestry.
>Your eyes are blue, green, or grey.
>Your hair is a shade between blond and hazel.
>Any temeprature above 10C/50F is uncomfortable.
>Reject desert cults and subversion.
>Deep connection with nature and the outdoors.
>Attraction only to white females.
>Females are ready at first menstruation.
>Read books and expand knowledge (Gnosis).
>Watch only nature programs and documentaries.
>Listen only to folkmusic.
>Reject 'democracy' and modern politics.
>Don't kill European-White brothers and sisters.
>Forigners may briefly visit, but never settle.
>Interaction or friendship with forigners is purely formal.
>Shun intermixed couples and children.