>>863107>>863160I'm not saying people should harm you for being an asshole who feels justified -- I prefer that people reason with you just as you seem to want them to, as I agree it would be much more effective in improving your behavior -- but I'd just like to request that maybe you be a bit more circumspect of all the information which might lead you to the conclusion that you're doing something you don't approve of. Persuasion is a rare skill. If you want others to show you the truth, you must often be extremely charitable of their arguments. Your mindset seems to be oriented towards denying mistakes rather than fixing them. The mindset you're employing sounds like a strategy for being unharmable (thinking like "If I am always trying to do the right thing, then it is much more practical to change my behavior by reason than through violence, since I care enough to be able to see you are right when you are right"), and not a strategy for ensuring that you do the right thing, free of mistakes.
For example when
>>863132 says you sound like an insufferable twat, they might mean something more concrete and meaningful, like that your mindset is not about actually doing the right thing, though you may at least be of a mindset that aspires to be about doing the right thing, which is actually a pretty good start. Instead of trying to refute the accusation immediately, you could have said "I'm not sure what that means, but if I am making a mistake I would sure like to know about it. Can you explain what your problem is in a way that's harder to interpret incorrectly by intellectually honest standards?"
Though to be fair we are on 4chan, and they are more likely to respond by making a list of completely vague and useless criticisms of a similar tone, like that you are an abhorrent asshole, a detestable dick, a contemptible cunt, and an impossible idiot.