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Dating a Roastie

No.8622654 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /pol/

I've recently met a 22y old woman that is just perfect for me, she is pretty based and conservative, she is very tall, beautiful, intelligent, an alpha-female and she truly loves me

problem is, she had "1 whore year" in college, where she fucked 10+ guys that she met on Tinder and in bars. She told me that she felt that she needed that, got herself what she wanted, then blocked those guys and moved on. I squeezed all kinds of details out of her like that every swipe was a match for her and that she had over 1000 matches. One of her guys was a 28y old banker while she was only 19y old. All these details burn me out from inside like hydrochloric acid. I JUST CANT FUCKING TAKE IT.

I confronted her and shouted at her, calling her a literal whore, disgusting, stupid, naive, everything that you can imagine....

I just cant swallow the cuckpill guys, but other than that she is perfect and I feel that she is the right one. I've had 4-5 long term relationships so far and never have I progressed this seriously and quickly with a woman.

I am completely aware of the hypergamy that the technological empowerment of whamen in terms of Tinder and Instagram introduced into our society and I am aware that this eJew is the driving force in the destruction of our societies. It makes me furious that every swipe right was a match for her and that she had the possibility to choose from the best of the best alpha males with sixpacks, money and chad looks. I myself don't have a sixpack but still am tall and have chad cheekbones etc. so I believe her when she tells me that I am handsome to her (I've met her online as well) but I don't know what to do.

One part of me wants to dump her and tell her that she is and will always be a dirty whore that should burn in hell, the other part wants to marry her and have kids (she always tells me to make her a baby when we have sex and stuff like that)

I know /pol/ is a horrible place to ask such advice but you guys are my only frens