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ID:p4Q9aTtq No.8675124 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
r/banter I don't believe in /x/-tier schizophrenic reality glitches but I'm at a loss for explanation at something that just happened to me. My socks teleported to the other side of my house while I was getting a shower. I went up to get a shower, stripped naked in the bathroom and piled all of my clothes (including my socks) on the rack and when I got out my socks were fucking gone. I live alone, washroom door was still locked from the inside, so I searched for 5 minutes looking for my fucking socks in the washroom and couldn't find them anywhere. I don't walk around barefoot and I don't undress outside of my room or washroom. But I found my socks just piled on the kitchen counter like somebody threw them there haphazardly and the kitchen counter is no where between my computer and my washroom (the path I took)
Am I turning schizophrenic, r/banter, or did I experience a glitch in the simulation?

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