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ID:Y1UvDPvF No.8721751 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This goes double for you dumb women

Dogs do nothing but satisfiy your inherent need to have children. Dog ownership has become a rampant disease in America. This is why everyone has them because PEOPLE ARE NOT HAVING ENOUGH CHILDREN. So instead they push their nurturing instinct onto these animals.

And guess what, I'll tell you a secret, Dogs are genetically engineered animals, someone messed with the genetic code of wolves and made fucking dogs. Dogs are the ONLY ANIMAL ON THE PLANET THAT IS 100% DEPENDANT UPON HUMANS. Dogs are a "fuck you" to God by the Jews, I guarantee it, which is why dog is "god" spelled backwards.

Just think about it. 90% of all dogs cannot function on their own. Yes there are wild dogs but they are few and far between. This is a rampant disease across America and part of your historical programming with the ideal family having this handicapped animal attached to it.

Dogs are just like eternal children, You feed them, take them to the vet, clean up their shits, all for fucking nothing except your own personal enjoyment as a surrogate child. Except they are not a child, you are not doing your duty to reproduce, instead they are a net drain and there to comfort you as White nations collectively commit suicide. This is why so many dumb roasties actually start clothing the damn thing, putting it in dumb STUPID FUCKING OUTFITS designed for children.

I cannot go out for 5 minutes for a walk without someone walking their godamned dog around the block, usually a dumb late 20's roastie THAT DIDNT HAVE FUCKING CHILDREN.

Fuck you and your dog, dogs are an ABOMINATION to God, which is why they are God spelled backwards.