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Always was, always will be, a shithole

No.8747347 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Terrible country filled with terrible people.

Australians don't have a culture besides insecure material competition. They are THE most insecure people on the planet. All the "we're such an easygoing lot, 'she'll be right mate' shit is just delusional propaganda, in reality it's all passive-aggressive shit, even "mate" is more often a passive-aggressive insult than a friendly moniker. All the "we're tough as shit because of all the deadly wildlife" thing is bullshit - we've had something like 3 deaths from spider bites in the past 40 years, and we're a country that machine-guns kangaroos from helicopters. We have this shitty culture of farmers and Queenslanders acting like they're "aussie battlers" doing all the hard work while suburbanites live off them - when the reality is practically the opposite, with farmers and Queenslands received all sorts of federal subsidies to keep them afloat.

The government and politics are given up to creepy statists. The women are toxic as fuck, you cannot watch TV without seeing constant talk of "women and children", it's like living through the suffragette period. ABC in particualarly bad in this regard. Try seeing what TV shows the ABC produces these days - it's all TV shows about female investigators trying to figure out which evil toxic male ex-boyfriend committed whatever horrific crime against innocent female victim of patriarchy. Then ABC news and pretty much all australian news media is constantly harping about 'toxic masculinity' and "domestic violence" which is always presented as male on female. The Australians who post on 4chan are the dumbest of the lot (generally speaking), "based Toneee", "everyone in Melbourne is a vegan leftist multiculturalist bisexual" shit got boring a decade ago.

Iinternet is slow as fuck, even the NBN is useless if you can even get on with your government black box sitting there in your home. Australians are complete pushovers when it comes to civil rights, privacy and self-respect.