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ID:71Met15U No.8864908 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm sure we've all heard the news. American companies are lowering their standards of freedom in order to reach the Chinese economy. Examples include the recent NBA controversy, South-parks ban in China, and Activision/Blizzard taking away first prize and kicking out a pro Hearthstone player because he wished Hong Kong well on their fight for freedom...

I am new to 4-chan, but your reputation proceeds you... I've come to ask for help and for justice.

I believe there's a way we can:

1.) Help Hong-Kong

2.) Punish morally bankrupt companies that have bent their knee to China


3.) Mess with Communist China

-and have fun while doing it!

Here's what we'll do. Like Winnie the Pooh, we will get the characters from moral-less franchises like Disney, Blizzard, etc. and purposefully get them banned in China by creating memes that paint Communist China and their leader (Xi Jinping) in a bad light.

But who to start with? Why, Captain America of course! We'll use Captain America in memes fighting Communist China, then ,Chinese censors will see it and Disney's symbol of freedom will get banned.

Not only will this put immense pressure on Disney to take a stance on the issue, but it will EASILY make the news rounds due to Cap's obvious American idealism ,and if successful, could easily be seen as an attack from China on good ol' American "tegrity". If enough companies are banned from China, it could be chaos economically forcing political change. But we must be focused in this; if we try other companies all at once, I feel our strike will not hit as hard.

With that being said, get to shitposting 4-chan. Post EVERYWHERE. And as much as I hate to ask of them, I'm formally requesting Reddit to help. We need to make this spread like fire.

After we hit Disney, I'm unsure of who to target next. Blizzard seems to be making quite an ass of themselves as previously mentioned, but I'm unfamiliar with their stuff.

Stay united ,and lets get creative.