/bant/ is super gay so I'll just tell part of my story.
>be me
>be getting ready for school, just started first grade
>be watching tv waiting on school bus
>parents in their room still laying down
>"an aircraft has just accidently struck the world trade center"
>"authorities are racing to the site to figure out what has happened"
>"Hello I'm reporting live from New Yor-*CRASH* *BOOM*
>Newsman loses spaghetti, feed cuts.
>Utter silence
>technical difficulties
>go to parents room
>"uh mom some airplanes hit some buildings, and the bus still isn't here"
>I finally convince them to look at the TV, the didn't believe me.
>their jaws drop, sit in silence, watch the shitstorm
>my dad was national guard, 15 minutes later he received a phone call, grabbed his uniform and bag and ran out the door
>school canceled, sit with my mother and baby brother all day
>roads absolutely empty, desolate even
>military planes in the sky
>life changes drastically
>never fully recovers
Was honestly horrifying and people born after this will probably never understand how this felt. Life fell apart that day, and it was never the same again.
Atleast I got to see Baghdad be destroyed on live tv