>>8876906>po /bant/u se pogosto potikam, čeprav ne pošiljam velikoSem si mislil. Mislim da te pogosto prepoznam, ampak zadnjekrat ko sem bil gotov da si to ti je bilo takrat.
>mislim da sem na tem boardu vidu okoli 10 različnih slovencev v zadnjih par letihČe skupaj sešteješ vse Slovence ki so kdajkoli kaj poslali tukaj, mogoče.
Drugače mislim da so edini ki so recimo pogosti tukaj ti, jaz, tisti iz kpop threadov in se en ki je malo bolj na drugi strani mavrice in se potika z *njimi*
Kar preseneti me koliko nas je. Na r/banterju smo v enakem številu kot so nemci.
Misliš da je to samo po možnosti ali je kakšen drug razlog za tem?
>>8876940>The younger you are the more decisions you are able to make, the more your decisions influence all the futher life. So, anyway young people unawarably make all the choices that lead them to whom they will finally be. While i mostly agree with that, there should at least be more more time for them to decide, no?
I never really knew what id be in for in high school until I actually entered it, and I never really comprehended what being stuck as a NEET for the rest of your life would feel like, and so I never really cared for my education.
>There's something natural about it. For most of the people it's oke to be stuck to a one specific job. It allows ones to become experienced specialists and so on and so on...Yeah, I guess that is true
Do you subconsciously feel about things this predetermined way?
I more or less agree with everything youve said so far, ive always felt this way, but I still regret many things from the past even so