Quoted By:
No, I dont want happiness and contentment in my life
Yes, I like to be bored and do things that make me unhappy
Yes I want to do what you want me to do and not what I want to do
No, I dont mind working minimum wage jobs to make other people richer so that I can be paid in cotton paper to be able to afford mundane materialistic shit that wont contribute to lasting satisfaction
Yes, I want to have sex with over weight unattractive women and have bastard offspring so that I may be fucked over in court and pay alimony for the next 18 years
Yes, I want to live in a society that owes me nothing but expects me to contribute
Yes, I consented to being born/existing
No, I'm not being ironic
Yes, I like seeing people happier and more successful than me living comparatively lavish lives while I toil away day after day in bleak misery
Yes, I am a happy npc goybot, I do not mind these unfair injustices, it is totally fine with me.
Yes, I think humans are wonderful creatures
No, I dont despise god for creating this reality and blaming me for things I did not do
Yes, I'm fine being monitored by the cia/fbi cabal
See how I take joy in utter shittiness.