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Quoted By: >>890970 >>891102 >>891198 >>891251 >>891298 >>891755 >>891849 >>891919 >>891953 >>891990 >>891991 >>892105 >>892759 >>896939
Warning: I'll be referring to a tranny as 'she' for ease of typing.
So I've been talking to a transgender male-to-female person for quite some time, and, just out of the blue, she admitted that she likes me. I wasn't prepared for it, and not having been a fan of the LGBT (I talked with her because I'm not rude/mean if it's casual talk) I decided I'd dump all my beliefs to scare her off.
It didn't work. Apparently she likes nationalism, hates the LGBT and has no problem with wanting to preserve the white race. She doesn't quite understand my interest in Fascism and race realism, but she said "with time I can understand and support you". So I told her my views on women and she agreed. She wants to be a housewife who watches the kids, it's her dream.
For the past few weeks I have just been uping the extremism, showing her those pro-hitler compilations with inspiring music, got her to read Mein Kampf, and even watch The Greatest Story Never Told.
>she enjoyed it all
At this point she has taken it all as flirtation, and even refereed to me as "my ubermensch" once. So now I'm lost as to what to do. I enjoyed all the positive responses to my beliefs but I know it's all due to half-heart desperation.
So I've been talking to a transgender male-to-female person for quite some time, and, just out of the blue, she admitted that she likes me. I wasn't prepared for it, and not having been a fan of the LGBT (I talked with her because I'm not rude/mean if it's casual talk) I decided I'd dump all my beliefs to scare her off.
It didn't work. Apparently she likes nationalism, hates the LGBT and has no problem with wanting to preserve the white race. She doesn't quite understand my interest in Fascism and race realism, but she said "with time I can understand and support you". So I told her my views on women and she agreed. She wants to be a housewife who watches the kids, it's her dream.
For the past few weeks I have just been uping the extremism, showing her those pro-hitler compilations with inspiring music, got her to read Mein Kampf, and even watch The Greatest Story Never Told.
>she enjoyed it all
At this point she has taken it all as flirtation, and even refereed to me as "my ubermensch" once. So now I'm lost as to what to do. I enjoyed all the positive responses to my beliefs but I know it's all due to half-heart desperation.