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/bant/ Clans General

ID:wkkJR8Sx No.8909725 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to the official inter-clan communication thread. As we all know from decades of /bant/ lore, it is strictly forbidden for any official /bant/ clan member to communicate with conflicting clans. However, since we all share the same space it is vital to have one dedicated thread serving as a diplomatic neutral zone.

Our scouts of ASS have picked up on some heavy interclan activity in the last few days. We have posted a selection of our intelligence in the public domain (see below). You are free to discuss these as you see fit. However keep in mind this thread is an official diplomacy zone, dialogue is encouraged but flamewars are forbidden.


> What are /bant/ clans?
The official communication network of /bant/. It is a highly intricate web of connections and deceit so I suggest you lurk moar, newfren.
> What is ASS?
The Anonymous Shitposting Syndicate, which is naturally the only clan worth joining if you are still a clanless soul. See >>8904357 or enquire with me personally for further details.

And now I leave this thread in your very incapable hands, for I am off to pet my cat before I gently fuck its ass. Have a wonderful evening, /bant/icoots!