[23 / 6 / ?]
Reminder: if you were born with a few more milimeters of bone, you wouldn't be reading this post now. You wouldn't even know what stuff like "Touhou", "Wojak" or "frogposting" is. Yet you are here, coping with other subhumans simply because you weren't born a Chad. While you talk about having sex with fictional characters, Chad is fucking your high school crush. While you describe your NEET life and laugh at "wagies", Chad is working as a CEO. You try to self-improve by doing nofap, yet Chad has never heard of it and would probably laugh at the idea. And while you call yourself a Chad and post a photoshopped picture of a Russian model that's supposed to represent you, Chad is doing exactly that - being a Chad. And he's Chad not because he's confident, or muscular, or intelligent. He's Chad because he has FACE, HEIGHT, FRAME - things an incel like me and you will never have. And simply because of these things, we will never make it.
Take the blackpill, boys. It's over.
Take the blackpill, boys. It's over.