>>8939971>My work shoes are waterlogged and falling apart and my mattress is an old spring one. Guess that says quite a bit.up until recently my mattress/bed situation was FUCKED.
I got me a new hybrid foam-top/spring bottom 10 inch thick bed, threw away everything previously, got me a steel bed frame with no box spring (didn't need it because of how thick the mattress is) and then I got me some sheets.
And then I got me a fleece blanket to be comfy while at my battle station.
But it was so soft and so big I was like "why not use this on my bed?
But there was a texture difference between the fleece blanket and the much less plush, much less comfy cheapo sheets.
So I looked up fancy expensive sheets.
And they wanted a ridiculous price for them (no seriously look how much these assholes want people to pay for soft bedsheets)
So I just bought two large fleece blankets.
And I took the one and wrapped my mattress in it and tucked the excess under the mattress so I have this thin, but super soft fleece blanket as my sheet.
And then I have a fleece blanket on top
It's sooooo much better.
>>8939971>I can't just drop $200 dollars on a pair of shoes. I don't make fat stacks like you do.It's a lot easier to spend less money than it is to make more.
Spend wisely, reduce non-discretionary spending as much as humanly possible. Live frugally. Cook at home.
Cooking at home/eating out can save a person hundreds or thousands of dollars a month