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No.8945351 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I found this video about a US base abandoned hastily in Syria. Link here:

On the video, I ran a Russian comment through google translate:

Comfortably fighting, it must be admitted. However, I dare to suggest that as soon as they lose at least part of this comfort, panic and chaos will begin. Compare, for example, how the Hussites fight. They do not need anything at all, and they calmly act and win. And here, God forbid, the electricity blinks - the washing machines will rise and the plasma will turn off - that's it, Repin's picture "Sailed". Notice, they didn’t even make a single stool with their own hands, nor any table, nothing! Well, at least for fun! No, this is not Homo Sapiens, but Walmarticus (Supermarket Man Walmart, a new kind of creature).

How much truth is in this scathing ruski bants?