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ID:qPa322rW No.8948173 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>be pooper
>shits are unpredictable and sloppy
>shit multiple times a day
>my lumbar curvature and pelvic tilt is optimised to leaning forward sticking my ass out over the toilet bowl
>never really finished shitting
>get up to wipe only to shake another one loose in from my entrails
>when i think im finished i step in the shower
>rinse my asshole out with shower head
>squat and unclench my sphincter so the water reaches the inside
>the brown runoff pools around my feet
>i relax and let anpther log slide out onto the shower floor
>i lift it with my bare hands and deposit it into the toilet so as not to clog the shower drain
>realize i missed my therapy appointment because i was lost in caca land

who else /pooper/ in here?