>>8955194extremely popular youtuber Mr. Beast recently hit 20 million subscribers. in celebration he's decided to plant 20 million trees. after doing a few thousand by hand with a bunch of random fans he set up a deal with a tree-planting charity where they'd plant 1 tree for every 1 dollar donated and has proceeded to contact every youtuber he can get his hands on to collaborate and promote the event
now all thee cool 'tubers are making tree videos
>>8955202supports that shield or heal. janna, soraka, nami, etc
between 49 and 55 typically
back when i was new and shit i'd play different roles but once i started trying to git gud i started grinding adc because it's my favorite and support because it's adc adjacent and there's no competition trying to play it
the problem is now my jungle is passable but my mid and top are unbelievably bad because i've played maybe 100 games between the 2 in the last like 4 years
playing on smurfs and stuff i regularly get my shit slapped by silvers in lane top or mid
every once in a while i'll switch between maining supp or adc but they're both cucked in their own way
i think mid or jungle probably has the most agency in the game but i really don't like those as much so i don't want to spend forever grinding them to get good