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/bant/ 4cc - Autumn Babby Cup Day 2

!NUKEMYEJfQ ID:o7P+GnIO No.8962629 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We tied 1-1 with /b/ on Friday, here's to hoping that today goes better.
Today we're playing against /wsg/. There's no real rivalry between both of our boards, but be sure to cheer our team on! We're gonna bring it home once again, just you wait.

>I have no idea what you're talking about.
Here you go anon, look at these wiki pages for some more information.

>Oh, I get it now. Where can I watch this event?
Go to the wiki main page and click the Cytube link at the right.

>Bookmarked and ready! When is /bant/ playing?
Sunday, October 27th - 5:40pm EST, 2:40pm PST, 21:40 UTC
Saturday, November 2nd - 5pm EST, 2pm PST, 21:00 UTC