>>8989533That's pretty low price :DDD
Seriously, here's a story.
Our team visited Ōsaka (ooooosaka :DDD) back in 2004. It went genuinely smoothly and well regarding business (we are still at it today in full force).
The Japanese "cadre" (and they genuinely were A CADRE, at least 40+ people) back then were all amazed how smoothly it went. Our three-men delegate was treated like a "lily on a palm".
Come on, a deal literally worth of tens of millions of bucks at first, then literally hundreds of millions for years to come regarding advanced packaging in All of the South East region. Including China.
It gets a bit maaaaad and buzzzzzzy at the moment, right?
After striking a deal, our three man team was taken in by said team, carried away by said team and then immersed into an onsen made by local unreal spirits.
I kid you not. It just was like the best sauna ever.