>>8996492I could have handled that nigger. With niggers always understand they are feral female thinking and thus emotional. They have several tells they are going to strike. Wait for them to move first because they will. Launch defense to block or dodge. Then pull weapon from behind your back. I prefer a knife. Using a roundhouse with your right hand, strike to the niggers left side above the hip. This shot is impossible to dodge or block. Simultaneously push off with the left hand. Nigger will be stunned as fuck. Withdraw blade. Nigger will stumble back. Now firmly bring blade down on the collar bone of said nigger. He may never get up again. Most niggers only have a few aggressive shots in them. Once they lose the upper hand their spirit is broken. Fending off an advancing nigger can be easy. But they will always try to wrap and lift you off the ground. You must attack their eyes with your thumbs. I mean you have to blind them for real. Just remember just because somebody is larger and more aggressive doesn't mean you can't hurt them. But it won't kill you to go learn some self defense. Niggers attack what they sense to be weak. Any size nigger...calls me boss. Accept possibly the giga nigger. But he just isn't aware yet that if I am able, I will tear his fucking throat out with my teeth. Fighting is easy if you are ready to kill or die. Also guard your head and neck. you can recover from other injuries. You do not want to fall woozy with a nigger around they will stomp you while you are down. Niggers have ZERO honor.