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Things you did online that were notable

ID:DfCn4CqT No.9025649 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>spread a now infamous copypasta on how to access the Marianas Web in 2016 on /x/ which got me mentioned by RationalWiki, Takedownman, some hacker news site which cited the thread as where the frenzy of posts regarding the Marianas Web really started, several blogs and forums and some Japanese YouTuber.
>spread a now infamous gore image on /pol/ of a SWAPO soldier standing over a dead nigger while smiling in the nigger hate threads as I was looking for Rhodesian Bush War and South African Border War gore for future nigger hate threads sometime back in 2018.
>Knew William Atchison online prior to the killings.
>got at least one article I posted published by the Daily Stormer (it’s been a while so I don’t remember which one).
>got some new Dylann Roof photos posted in an article on the Daily Stormer (also couldn’t find the article for this one either, I found them on Tumblr).
>one of my YouTube videos was linked to in a court document by Jason Kessler and Matt Parrott v. the city of Charlottesville lawsuit.

And all of that was between 2016 - 2018. What have you done that’s notorious?