my friends said they don't think i'll hit diamond and implied that i was worse than one of them so now i need to do it
cracked out players every single game
>>9028874i was actually dressed as a werewolf but it wasn't a full moon haha
fun fact i used to have a ton of non-costume costume excuses like this because i went to school dances as a kid and never wanted to dress up for the halloween one
oh almost assuredly nobody but the streamer and my friends will watch them but that's enough for me especially considering i enjoy doing the editing and it's a good skill to develop
i think that cat's what we call a based retard
unfortunately i can't do that
word. hopefully this is the first step to reasonably waisted jeans making a comeback
>>9028954good video. i swear chaewon always weirds me out a bit. half the time she looks really cute and the other half she just looks kind of odd but i can never place what the difference might be