Anonymous (ID: 19SIGzwB) 11/09/19(Sat)15:22:59 No.9036598▶
>>9036600>>9036583 #right on brother
>>9036595 #shut upppp ur mother didnt take good care ofv u
>> Anonymous (ID: Mx00jf5M) 11/09/19(Sat)15:23:18 No.9036600▶
>>9036598 #yonkers...
>> Anonymous (ID: FQFP89j3) 11/09/19(Sat)15:23:47 No.9036604▶
>>9036617>>9036595 #>>muuumlemme stop you right there
we aint some pussy ass anglo bitches
>> Anonymous (ID: YIooJezr) 11/09/19(Sat)15:25:34 No.9036615▶
>>9036567 #I can assure you that my face is indeed bad.
>> Anonymous (ID: Mx00jf5M) 11/09/19(Sat)15:26:14 No.9036617▶
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>>9036604 #for real tho u guys are so disappointing
where's the americans who aren't complete pussies? did they all die in war? on one side the fluro haired LGBT drag queen, on the other the perpetuatally offended fatfuck evanglical retards
what a horrible state of affairs
>> Anonymous (ID: FQFP89j3) 11/09/19(Sat)15:27:55 No.9036628▶
>>9036617 #>where's the americans who aren't complete pussies?they're here, but they're drowned out by the vocal minority. believe it or not, most americans aren't the completely radicalized, obese boomers/millenials that you hear a lot about.
they just don't do anything notable except live their daily lives like everyone should.