>>9057165It was not a talking snake.
It was a winged feathered serpent of many colors with vocal cords under demonic possession by Lvcifer, after the fall of man, it was cursed to eat the dust of the ground and had it wings removed to crawl on its belly.
demons today posses animals often, look up elephants rampaging towns, or when Jesus Christ cast the demons of Legion into the pigs and they ran off the clifside like windows 3.0 lemmings game.
Methusaleh lived to 999 years old.
Noah died at the age of 950.
Before the flood the atmosphere was much thicker like a ocean above us. It was as a hyperbaric chamber.
Today we can put a tomato plant in a hyperbaric chamber and it can grow watermelon size tomatoes and 14 feet tall.
Same as we put a man in the hyperbaric chamber to save his life.
Adam was around 14 feet tall. They ate no meat before the flood, and meat lowers life expectancy.
This is why the dinosaurs could never survive today or breath because the atmosphere is to thin now.
Before the flood the ocean level was much lower because a large portion of the ocean was up in the atmosphere creating a hyperbaric chamber effect. Allowing the giant lungs of the dinosaurs to have enough psi in the air to inhale and exhale.
Its why they lived so long.
The soil was not depleted of its nutrient like it is today.
So a dense nutrient rich diet, hyperbaric chamber atmosphere, and heavier presence of God had them living into the 900's.
this is where the tales of atlantis and lemuria come from.
when the ocean level was much lower because a large portion of the water was in the firmament, you had all those lands in the pacific ocean that all iust a 100 feet underwater as a land mass.
so after the flood, noahs son ate meat and noah planted a vineyard.
life expectancy has declined to today where men only live to 120 max in the blue zones like japan and san bernadino valley in so cal.
and we have weak food from soils stripped of all nutrients.