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ID:eysqvMtq No.907045 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know this is just another whiney bitch thread but these past days seems like the quality(?) of the threads went down the drain. Maybe this is a turning point of how this board will be in the future.

My theory is that most people come here to be entertained, and not to entertain. They browse the fist page a few times, refresh the catalog and post on whatever threads are made. As most of those threads seems shitty they just get off /bant/ to other places. So we have less interesting threads and this generates less interesting people browning meaning that there will be less interesting threads made ad infinity.

My prognostic is for you, anon, that is waiting to be entertained to make the threads you would be entertained by. I know it's shitty to have 4 replies while "animefag thread 502433" is stuck at page 1 but at least you will be entertaining another people and adding to the quality of this place. After all, all content here is user generated, it needs someone to exist.