>>9085956He was the other half of Alexander the Great. Quite literally. He even told this to the Queen of Egypt at their time - for she mistook Hephaestion for Alexander. Alex replied, "We are one in the same."
They rode to battle, and celebration together. Both had capes, one purple, one red. Both had glorious black and white horses. Both, held the same LEGAL power. Not many know about Hephaestion but in all truth he was the Emperor alongside Alexander.
When Hephaestion died, Alexander planned for the Empire to mourn him for years. Months would be dedicated.. Alexander grew cold and depressed, stopped talking, became bedridden...And died. 2 months after Hephaestion..
He stated numerous times Hephaestion was the only Human he trusted and felt truly loved him.
Imperial Sages also stated "Hephaestion's loins would bring the death of Alexander" when he was young. Ironic..