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I almost got robbed today, AMA

ID:2WGF6YVl No.9093464 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>every day walk from train station to uni
>it's a ~25 walk, helps me stay moderately /fit/ and I also get to save up on train fares
>today is no exception
>be around halfway through when I get approached from behind by a nigger
>he shoves me aside, into the wall of the building I was happening to walk beside
>notice that there was another nigger behind him
>I don't even have time to process the situation
>nigger n°1, possibly drunk and/or drugged, starts telling me to give him my money
>nigger n° 1 is now to my right and nigger n°2 is around a meter to his left, in an attempt to block any attempt at escape
>joke's on them, I've never met a problem I can't run away from
>fight or flight instinct kicks in
>I don't take a second to think to see if they have any weapons, call for help or even just give them my stuff
>run the fuck away, attempt to dash in the space between them and hopefully tackle them aside in the process
>attempt backfires, they move closer together and I fall to the floor
>I think they kicked me while I was down, but desu it was all very quick and blurry so I don't remember exactly what happened
>get back on my feet
>niggers are now behind me
>I hightail it the fuck away from there
>for whatever reason the niggers don't run after me, even though I'm far from being an athlete and they could probably have caught up pretty quickly
>maybe they decided to run away for their lives after witnessing my raw, unhinged power and athletic prowess, but I think it's likelier that I was running towards a bus stop that was pretty full of people
>they fuck off and I get to continue my trek to uni, always looking back just in case
>still refuse to take the bus, almost getting robbed is better than paying the fares