>>9096151 Anonymous (ID: rxSg1MCU) 11/20/19(Wed)09:23:13 No.9096155▶
>>9096156 >>9096159 >>9096311File: 35.jpg (8 KB, 224x224)
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>>9096151 (OP)ABSOLUTELY NO!
>> Anonymous (ID: VRXM5TIe) 11/20/19(Wed)09:23:46 No.9096156▶
>>9096159>>9096151 (OP)>>9096155Fuck off pooftahs
>> Anonymous (ID: ydQ6KaNw) 11/20/19(Wed)09:24:57 No.9096159▶
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Anonymous (ID: kYjsxED3) 11/20/19(Wed)11:22:04 No.9096151▶
>>9096155 >>9096156>>Anonymous (ID: rxSg1MCU) 11/20/19(Wed)11:23:13 No.9096155▶
>>9096156File: 35.jpg (8 KB, 224x224)
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>>9096151 (OP) (OP) #ABSOLUTELY NO!
>> Anonymous (ID: qZ2EapmI) 11/20/19(Wed)09:25:30 No.9096161▶
>>9096151 (OP)Yes
>> Anonymous (ID: CBTn6SM5) 11/20/19(Wed)09:31:58 No.9096182▶
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>>9096151 (OP)Yes, naturally.
>> Anonymous (ID: BnRqi8xy) 11/20/19(Wed)09:49:15 No.9096288▶
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>>9096151 (OP)Traps themselves aren't necessarily gay.
Wanting to sodomize them knowing they're male may be a bit gay, though.
>> Anonymous (ID: 6Fov6FwO) 11/20/19(Wed)09:57:23 No.9096311▶
>>9096155i like SSP better
get off his spanish IP faggot
hi, I would Just Like to Say that Traps (boys dressing up as girls) are Homosexual and Mentally Deranged.