Confidence is everything. Confidence is literally everything. By far the biggest problem facing men today, especially Whites, especially conservatives, and especially Very Online People, is a failure of confidence — of never having learned confidence to begin with. If you lack confidence, no advice at all will merit you, no plan will merit you, no intelligence or skill will merit you, because a lack of confidence always translates to a lack of action, and the whole of life is about action, whether that action is going to the gym, getting a wife, writing a book, or living virtuously, it’s all action and nothing but action.
How do you know the problem is lack of confidence? If you are not constantly working and trying, if you don’t constantly have your head down, if you’re ever afraid to do what you must do or if your “anxiety” prevents you from doing it, it’s confidence and nothing else. People today, people on this board, people online, they don’t complain that they work and act 10 hours a day for months but things don’t pan out; they say they lack motivation (confidence), they lack desire (confidence), they lack willpower (confidence), they’re too anxious (confidence). If they had confidence they would only ask for advice after REALLY working hard for months, after doing everything they know they should be doing. Wherever there is procrastination, fear, and anxiety, the solution is confidence. Unless you act on every plan and resolution, you need CONFIDENCE.
How do you get confidence? When you think of yourself, think only of the good qualities. Think about the things you value most: politically, philosophically, ethically, qualitatively. Visualize yourself dominating your goals, make yourself desire doing it because not doing it seems “off” or not right. When you sleep and when you wake up, think only of these confident things.