[32 / 8 / ?]
In size, height, strength, and mass. Seems like to me the typical German woman is 5'11" (180 cm) and the typical German man is like, 6'3" (190 cm). Meanwhile, I'm a short little American over here, all jelly. I at least heard the Danish grew so big, so quickly (in like one generation; 30 years or so) due to their diets. But Germans don't eat the same food. In fact, their food tends to be worse and a lot less healthy! And many American foods started from Germany, yet collectively, we're not very tall, big or strong, at all. (Excluding obesity rates.) Americans are small. So I have no idea why Germans have better genetics than most of the rest of the world.
>>9107577 >190 Nope. Among German youth in Germany it's more like 182-186. Still way more than burgers though
>>9107578 >Nope. Among German youth in Germany it's more like 182-186. Still way more than burgers though Bro, I am here right now. I'm 186 in shoes. I'm short.
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>>9107578 Americans also often lie about their height, pretty sad.
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>>9107579 >Bro, I am here right now. Illegally I bet
>So I have no idea why Germans have better genetics than most of the rest of the world. unironically living in a heavily forested, wolf-eagle-bear predator ridden, inhospitable land that gets damn cold. their genetics selected for big and strong because the environment was basically saying fuck-you-die. the cherry on top is germanic tribes were competing with each other with the weakest being fast-track eliminated from the gene pool.
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>>9107577 cope harder manlets
>>9107579 Aus welchem Bundesland kommst du? Bei mir ist 184-185 schon überdurchschnittlich, selbst unter Deutschen. Frauen, Senioren und Kanaken sind ohnehin ausgeschlossen.
>>9107577 A bigger body and more metabolism are traits in winter, the biological rules for small animals don't apply to humas.
Also, Fruchtzwerge. We've litterally got great food here and this ain't new.
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>>9107585 >Fruchtzwerge >great food What is wrong with you
>>9107584 In Cologne right now, people are much bigger than the Dutch. At some shoe shop, women are shopping for shoes in size 13. Not kidding here.
>>9107577 From eating raw Pork
>>9107588 Germany is goulash nation, my non hunnic fren.
>>9107589 That'd be Hungary
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>>9107587 >size 13 What national standard?
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What is this shit thread?
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>>9107590 Goulash is love, goulash is life.
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>>9107577 The american gene pool went through a savage malnutrition period that lasted for centuries around AD 900. It created those extremely short central amerinds. I'm pretty sure that's where it actually comes from. That and malnutrition from dysfunctional capitalist and individualist philosophies. If you feed kids shit, they'll be short, Norks for example.
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>>9107577 >the typical German woman is 5'11" No
I'm getting the impression that your all at least 6ft average and you're still getting walked over by migrating brown dwarfs you could curb stomp anytime.
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Wtf is size 13 anyway.
>>9107596 >your Estimated IQ: 72
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>>9107577 Just stop being a spic you mutt
>>9107578 Germans are not 182. They’re around 177-178. They’re not as tall as Dutch, Danish or other Scandinavians. They’re on par with English.
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>>9107598 Oh dear.
*your / you're
What's your estimation on how many of these alleged 6'2 Germanic man beasts get the asses handed to them by inbred migrants?
>>9107600 North: Tall
South: Small
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>>9107602 Idk, I don’t speak German so I never saw avg height broken down by region. Would make sense though.
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>>9107577 "short American" translates to spic.
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>>9107577 >I at least heard the Danish grew so big well they eat like crazy
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Americans eat too much onions and processed food. You cunts and your cereal. We eat potato pancakes and guzzle it down with delicious apple sauce. The American food based off of German food has been bastatdized and contaminated. Burgers are made of cows with no muscles. Hot dogs are made of rats and worn out Timbs. Your pretzels are more butter and salt than actual grain. Also, German people are mixed with the vikings from long ago and back then they would plow the biggest women to ensure they get strong children. That's actually common in a lot of cultures that have tall people. They intended on having strong warriors, rather than birthing with whoever had the most money.
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>>9107582 >their genetics selected for big and strong because the environment was basically saying fuck-you-die By that logic Abbos would be literally Gods.
And yet they are short, so dumb they even make Africans look like Einstein and on top of it ugly as sin.
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>>9107579 It's okay for young generations, good medical care, food and so on. For example, I'm 190cm, but I have no Northern genes