>>911212>So /bant/, when were you most scared?I've been scared a lot of times in my life.
My youth pastor was a "professional" child groomer working with some sort of NAMBLA like circle - no penetration (at first) that I remember - just nudity and physical contact - and I was a sheltered kid so I really had no way to know it was unusual. Whereas I wasn't sexually interested in anything being pre-pubescent - I was happy cuddling with people like a tamed kitten.
One day when I was about 11 or so I read in the Bible that it was a sin and God wanted me stoned to death for it. I also knew hell was real so I knew God wanted to send me to hell for it. That was utterly terrifying because I thought I had been doing what God wanted and I had no idea it was a sin. The youth pastor and the other pastors told me my parents should have told me it was a sin and I shouldn't tell anyone because then the church members would want to stone me to death. So I didn't really tell anyone - but I was in mortal terror for like a year. I tried to get the other kids to stop because I was scared they were going to go to hell. I convinced one kid to stop and then the youth pastor raped him and me.
Anyway, I begged God for forgiveness over and over again - but I knew it must have been a very serious sin if God wanted me to be put to death for it - so I finally just forgot about the whole thing - blocked out the memories. They didn't resurface until I was like 25 at which point there was a half-assed court case and I got a bunch of corroborating evidence for my memories so I knew they weren't false.
The second time I was most scared was when I posted a message about Executive Order 9066 (Japanese Internment) on Facebook and there was a 9.0 quake in Japan 11 minutes later. I've included a screen shot.
But now I know why it all happened and I've never felt so much peace.