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"trans" culture hate thread

ID:NUAPLcH7 No.9130843 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I wish I was a girl. When I wake up and look in the mirror, I hate the sight of myself. I feel uncomfortable in my current body and naturally hold my self image to female standards. Do you know what that makes me?


Seriously, I don't understand why they don't treat gender dysphoria as what it is: a subset of body dismorphia.

Those "Transgender" therapists were fucking useless. Each and everyone of them just jumped straight onto recommending HRS and dick snipping, and not one of them acknowledged that it's a fucking mental illness.

I did my research. I may be a faggot, but I'm not an idiot. I've read many regret stories from suckers who fell for that bullshit. I've accepted the FACT that my current body is MALE, no help from those "feminine penis oh trans women/men are real women/men" assholes, and until medical technology improves to the point where somebody can legitmately change their biological sex, I realize that I can do nothing but deal with it. BECAUSE IT'S THE TRUTH!

I'm fucking sick of thes pathetic shits who can't deal with reality and are not just deluding themselves, but also clawing around and trying to drag any sorry saps along with them to their inevitable suicide, when it turns out that hey, maybe ignoring the elephant in the room doesn't make the elephant disappear.

Fuck every single one of them.
They can all die in a million acid pits.

"trans" culture hate thread