>>9131539>What happened to 'men'?There are few men left. What truly differentiates a man from a boy? It is purpose. When a man has purpose, he has something to do. Something to fight for. He has duty. He has responsibility. He becomes hard to do what he must. That is what it is to be a man.
And what is life in modernity? There is no purpose. There is no struggle to survive; the government will feed you. There is no nationalism. There is no faith. There is no family. They took away everything; and so all we are left with our boys.
It thus falls to those few, those like us; those with the vision to understand that we do have a purpose, that we must fight for our nations, that we must fight for our families, that we must fight for our faith. It is we who alone are men.
Tear down modernity. God wills it.