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No.9139968 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I fell for the blacked meme. Its ruined my whole life, I can barely even function as a normal person without thinking about it. It's even caused me to have a mental breakdown at my job. On my break I went to my car and cried because I cant stop thinking every women is secretly fucking a black guy without me knowing. It's made it hard for me to even have a relationship or converse with a white women because I cant stop thinking about how shes probably taken black dick at some point in her life. I've gone distant with my family now, I see my mom and sister texting on their phone and cant stop thinking about how they are probably texting and fucking a black guy without my dad or me knowing. Even taking a walk in public is hell, I cant go 50 feet without seeing a nigger and a white women together. To the niggers and chinks that keep posting this shit, fuck you, I hope you die a slow painful death. We wont tolerate this any longer and will snap soon, keep posting your silly blacked threads and see what happens.