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Story time with /pol/

No.9199786 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me
>work a blue collar "dirty job" sort of like what you would see on mike rowe's show, but not as filthy. Just dirty enough to be cautious about what you wear to work
>working with "diversity"
>be on lunch break with a mulatto, an admixed nigga, and a full blooded ooga booga
>I have work with these guys for a while now, two of the three are somewhat new to the job
>I noticed the full blooded ooga booga is wearing some really clean, really white jordans in this filthy work environment
>I said "man, those are nice, I wouldn't wear those in this place. You might ruin them"
>a thing to note is, I have talked with this person about innocuous shit like this in the past
>this tyrone processed what I said as though I was questioning his ownership of these shoes
>he replies "these mines" just like how you'd imagine a nigger would say it
>This nigger took slight offense to the most innocuous thing imaginable
>The other admixed nibba and mulatto chime in and translate what the fuck I was saying to this retard
>"he is saying those are nice shoes, and is surprised you're wearing them in this place"

>this ooga booga states the following
>"they be on my time, i aint on they time. I aint lookin' like shit. Fuck that I dont care"

translation for those who dont speak nigger
(they be on my time, I aint on they time)
meaning i dont care if this job makes me work a saturday, im dressing like its saturday regardless

>Its my saturday, I dont care if I am at work in this filthy place, I want to dress how I normally would on a saturday, its more important that I dress to look good than to dress appropriately for work. I'm a dumb nigger that gets mad and takes offense to the most non-offensive thing imaginable.

>everyone just kind of stands there looking awkward
>mulatto is silent now
>admixed nigga is kind of laughing
>ooga booga is kind of embarrassed because he just took offense over literally nothing
>We all awkwardly say "peace out" and disperse

why is this?