I used to have self harm issues as well, so I understand how you feel. You may think cutting yourself will help ease your suffering, but it doesn't. It makes you even more miserable. All you're doing is deluding your brain into thinking it's a solution when it isn't. Think about it, what are you going to say to your family or future generations when they see those scars? Here are some methods I used to help stop my cutting addiction:
1. Rubber band - Wear a rubber band on your wrist at all times. When you feel the urge to cut yourself, snap it against your arm as hard as you want. It creates the same effect as cutting. Make sure it's secured around your wrist when you do it though.
Journal - When you feel the urge to cut, you can pull out your journal and start writing whatever you feel at the moment.
Cold Turkey - It's very difficult to completely stop a cutting addiction. However, if you have the determination, I'd highly recommend this solution.
Other things to try:
In summary, this is going to sound harsh, but you need to wake up OP. Nobody else is causing those scars but yourself. Do you sleep in a bed? Do you have a roof over your head? Do you have food on the table? Education? No severe diseases or physical medical conditions? If you answered yes to most of these, then you have no reason to be fucking destroying your skin like this. It's not worth it. If you truly want to get better, than get help. There are even hotlines you can call if you don't feel comfortable talking to someone irl.