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Matching with Her, Online dating

No.9229081 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Make tinder/bumble
>get matches with multiple normal attractive women like everyone else
>swipe left on excessively tattoo'd women, single moms, paramedics, fatties, "party girls", horse women, minorities, women who have travelled a lot, etc
>anytime you accidentally swipe right its a match
>disillusioned with online dating
>why am I doing this in my mid 20's
But then you match with Her
>still recycle the same stupid jokes over and over
>but it's not as tiresome this time
>some of the thrill has returned
>you are talking to this cute seemingly wife material
>she laughs at your jokes
>extroverted personalities can be hard to project properly online
>but its not a problem here, so you just
>tell more jokes
>she laughs
>seems to be going very well, a man is now excited
>go for first date
>laughs and giggles all meal
>it goes well, hugs/kisses
>but nothing more, I'm not a man slut
>text and snap, your interests and imagined future align!
>then second date
>that deep connection is growing, this is looking good
>keep talking, you are excited for the third date
>this is going to be your girl
But wait.
>she wants to be honest with you
>she knows that while you are not a virgin, you do hold tradition beliefs about sex
>she wants you to know she is a good person now
>she had self image issues in High school/University/etc
>she makes sure to tell you she is a good person again
>she has slept with 25+ guys
>society says you are a piece of shit if that is a issue for you

>here are some random Tinder finds for you /pol/