[8 / 1 / ?]
>be me
>talk to some girl for a couple of months now
>beautiful, 8/10, blonde and blue eyed
>meet up, have good time, end up getting on really well
>end up in relationship with said girl
4 months later
>we decide were going to do the thing
>start getting undressed slowly
>she likes it
>fully undressed except I have socks on
>tells me she likes good feet on men
>tell her I won't take my socks off
>she asks why
>I don't tell her but she insists
>I take off my socks
>tell her I have fungal infection and cheese feet
>just came out the shower so my toenails are bright yellow
>tfw instant disgust
>talk to some girl for a couple of months now
>beautiful, 8/10, blonde and blue eyed
>meet up, have good time, end up getting on really well
>end up in relationship with said girl
4 months later
>we decide were going to do the thing
>start getting undressed slowly
>she likes it
>fully undressed except I have socks on
>tells me she likes good feet on men
>tell her I won't take my socks off
>she asks why
>I don't tell her but she insists
>I take off my socks
>tell her I have fungal infection and cheese feet
>just came out the shower so my toenails are bright yellow
>tfw instant disgust