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Future home of the white race is Saturn!!!

No.9251236 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Saturn will be the future home of the white race.
>surface gravity is 1.065 g, and EXACTLY 1 g 25% the way from the equator to the poles because of centrifugal force (on earth a 100 lb man weighs 99.8 lbs at the equator)
>atmospheric pressure in the clouds is exactly bar
>temp is OK with aerogel clothing -100 celcius
>temperature is 0+ celcius at 20-30 bar pressure which is breathable so long as trimix or heliox gas is used (helium, nitrogen and oxygen)
>helium 3 is fucking everywhere, meaning limitless power and immediate economic productivity (25 tonnes of he-3 can fuel america's power supply for a year)
>hot air balloon like colonies similar to the ones proposed for venus would be easy to manufacture on site.
> Local moon Titan has more water and hydrocarbons than earth.
Come home white man....