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No.925255 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>go everyday to a job I absolutely despise
>taking psychiatric medications to be able to function properly
>hate my line of work, but had to be "realistic" when I picked a major
>spend 8 to 10 hours in the office, half of this time doing fuck all
>leave, get stressed out because I'm stuck in transit again
>get home tired as fuck
>too exhausted to do anything with my kids so I neglect them again
>fight with my wife over money for the third time this week
>eat some shitty unhealthy food because I'm too tired to cook properly and too broke to shop healthy
>look at the book on my table I've started reading three months ago but couldn't finish due to lack of time
>turn on TV instead
>it's the News
>another massacre, another war, more crime, all caused by economics and resources
>I'm completely indifferent because none of this shocks me anymore
>change to something else
>realise I'm out of touch with pop culture at only 32 because the most profitable demographic is a decade younger
>receive phone text
>it's the gym saying they miss me and they've just charged me for another month
>think to myself I'll start going when I have more free time
>want to text friends I never see anymore
>realise how rarely I meet new people now
>feel alienated, apathetic and completely stuck
>feel like I'm wasting my life away
>go on the internet before bed
>see Facebook
>someone shares a text by some left-wing kid
>he's talking about changing the capitalist system
>I tell him our system is just human nature operating and he should grow the fuck up
>pat myself on the back for my realism before crying myself to sleep
it sure feels good to be enlightened and rational
you guys should give it a go