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ID:T7zrlnfR No.9253625 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'll start.
a joke my acquaintance told me:
A group of jews in a synagogue. Rabin says: "So, as you all know, russians hate us for some reason. We should dig deep into their culture to find the reason for that haterad". One of the jews suggests: "Let's simply make all the synagogue deadly drunk next time". "Great idea!" - says rabin - "Next time each of us brings a bottle of vodka here, we will puor it all into a pot and drink in turns".
Evening. One of the jews comes home and tells his wife about this, asks her what to do. Wife says: "Bring a bottle filled with water. No one will even notice" The jew decides to do as his wife said.
Next day jews pour everything they brought into a pot. Rabi turns first. He takes a little try, then says: "You see... That's why russians hate us".