[32 / 4 / ?]
15KiB, 300x284, thumb_crying-wojak-smiling-www-picswe-com-53591314.png
Quoted By: >>9263558
>Be me
>Walking to 7/11 for coffee
>See a stray dog
>Don't care. Still pet it
>Spend my lunch break petting this dog
>Realize I have to walk back
>Dog still follows me
>I don't have a place for him
>Throw animal crackers in the opposite direction
>While he is distracted, I abandon him
>Never saw him since
>Walking to 7/11 for coffee
>See a stray dog
>Don't care. Still pet it
>Spend my lunch break petting this dog
>Realize I have to walk back
>Dog still follows me
>I don't have a place for him
>Throw animal crackers in the opposite direction
>While he is distracted, I abandon him
>Never saw him since