[16 / 4 / ?]
/int/ermensch, /b/edditors, /pol/lutants and /r9k/ucks do NOT belong here. Got b& because you're a plebbitor unable to follow the rules? Not our problem, eat your ban, nobody wants your shit meant for other boards. Misusing the quote function does NOT make you look cool and WON'T award you karma. No, this is FAR from old /b/, you can fuck off with your shit raids and whatever you've learnt from the Internet Historian. If you dislike anime, you do not belong in 4chan. Simple as. Kill yourselves out of /bant/.
Quite frankly, foreign boarders are better than you losers. Fucking fags.
>>9271291 then piss off to the foreign boards absolute nonce
>>9271305 Banned from /pol/ cunt.
/int/ will take some getting used to.
>>9271306 >>>/r/eddit here's a website that you won't need to get used to, since you seem to love that spacing and the subreddits that much
>>9271308 Been here and done more than you have cunt.
Go suck a dick.
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discord thread
>>9271267 Eh, anyone can come. Why are people so defensive about protecting their board from other boards? Oh noe not THOSE 4chan users how ever will we cope? Stop caring about shit that doesn't matter.
>>9271419 >anyone can come that would include the people who tell others to fuck off
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>>9271429 I agree. I'm not telling them to leave. Only that they're dumb.
>/>9271419 of course the attention whoring queer ausfailan straight out of discord doesn't understand what board culture is, if you're such a gigantic attention whore who cares from where they come as long as they provide you with plenty of (you)s! they might eventually join my discord!
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>>9271457 who are you quoting?
>>9271457 I understand board culture perfectly. I also understand that none of this matters, that's the bit you don't get. This is a Chinese tea-making forum. Stop taking it so seriously.
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>>9271472 then stop being a weebshit discordnigger on my chinese tea makimg forum.
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>>9271308 he still thinks reddit invented doublespacing
heh, when will this meme end?
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>>9271311 like reddit spacing?