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ID:50IwQdB/ No.9280750 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I come to realize that the reason /pol/ hates us Swedes is because we are the only ones who are truly White. We are the only real Aryans. All other people are basically niggers, and that includes other Scandinavians (no offense niggers). So it is basically jealousy.

And before anyone says "hurr durr cucks" or "hurr durr dead and gone", you basically just citing overexaggerated memes. In reality Swedes you just suffer from Whiteness-envy and try to make up all kinds of things so you can feel better about yourselves. Well tough shit niggers, you will always be niggers and we will always be Aryans

Hell Seger (din neger)

(Pic is about one of our most major ass-raping of the Danish niggers. They are still butthurt to this day, just wait for a butthurt Danenigger to reply)